Our History
The DAY AWAY Association for Women began in 1991 in Zurich as an opportunity for English-speaking women to get together and wrestle with deeper life issues we all face. Founder, Sally Johnston, established women's breakfasts twice a year, inviting competent speakers who could provide women with practical advice, helpful insights and fresh perspectives from a biblical point of view. In 2003, the seminars expanded to other cities, and the DAY AWAY Association for Women was formalised under the regulations governing Swiss non-profit associations.
An executive director, currently Vicki Bagdasarianz, leads the work in Switzerland with the help of a small board.
“We are all drawn to compelling and life changing stories. Day Away seminars, in my mind, have always been about connecting the bigger story of life into the twists and turns of our own stories - in a way that is both practical and thought-provoking.”