Although DAY AWAY sponsors English speaking events, women who participate come from all over the world and may speak English as a second or third language. We treasure the diversity of nationalities, languages, and life experiences of the women who attend. At a recent DAY AWAY seminar in Zürich, women from more than 40 different countries where present.
Our Team in Zürich
some topics discussed at previous seminars
Be Brave, Live Vulnerably
Controlling Anger Before It Controls You
Embracing Imperfection: A Secret to Genuine Satisfaction
Hope When Life Clouds Over
comments from participants
“Excellent topic, excellent speaker, brilliant illustrations for the presentations.”
“Very good. I love it! Very real. I could relate to this lady.”
“Thought-provoking: definitely gave me something to take away.”
“An interesting seminar, creative and definitely entertaining.”
“Excellent speaker & content; great sense of humour and excellent delivery of a meaningful message.”
English speaking churches in Zürich area
IPC – International Protestant Church
(meets in French Reformed Church)
Schanzengasse & Promenadengasse, Zürich
044 262 55 25
St. Andrews Anglican-Episcopal Church
Promenadengasse 9, Zürich
044 252 6024
International Baptist Church
Gheistrasse 33,8803 Rüschlikon
044 724 4438
C3 Church Zürich
Pfingstweidstrasse 101,
8005 Zürich